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United to fight violence against women

United to fight violence against women

It is with much gratitude that Maison Interlude House (MIH) recently accepted a generous donation from Mrs. Lynda Laviolette. Well known in the area, Mrs. Laviolette has worked in the real estate industry for several years. Along with this gesture, she wishes to encourage other real estate brokers and the general population to do the same!

“As a real estate broker, I have been helping clients find their dream home since 2007. Under the Royal LePage banner, I also help support women who are not fortunate enough to live in a home where harmony and security reign. With each transaction, I donate $50 to the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation. Thus, my clients indirectly contribute to changing the lives of these women and children in need. More specifically, all my donations are made to MIH,” explains Mrs. Laviolette.

A National Program of Major Importance

Royal LePage Shelter Foundation is the largest public foundation in Canada dedicated specifically to funding women's shelters and supporting violence prevention programs. All funds raised are allocated to directly supporting more than 50,000 women and children who, each year, are welcomed in these shelters. Since 1998, the Shelter Foundation has raised $35 million. Currently, it supports 200 women's shelters and national partners, and MIH is one of them.

On the Way to a Second Stage Home

Maison Interlude House would like to acknowledge the important contribution of Royal LePage brokers in the fight against violence towards women. The funds from the Shelter Foundation are also kept for a very specific project. “For several years, MIH has wanted to offer women victims of domestic violence another type of transitional housing, what we call a second stage home. Our emergency shelter can only accommodate women on a temporary basis and sometimes women do not need emergency housing, but simply lodging to leave a violent environment. Amongst the more vulnerable, it can be very difficult to find safe, suitable, and affordable housing,” explains Muriel Lalonde, Executive Director of MIH.

The organization wants to have an apartment building erected which would be mainly dedicated to its end users in need. A place where they could feel safe, for a period varying from 3 to 24 months, so that they can make a new start towards a life free from violence and where they would have access to support services such as individual counselling and support groups, de-victimization and empowerment process, support in socio-judicial processes, activities to break isolation, etc. But to do this, funds must be raised, and everyone's contribution is welcome!

How to Support Maison Interlude House

The population and businesses of the area are invited to support the organization that helps women victims of violence. To do so, simply go to the MIH website by visiting and click on the Donate button. The platform is secure and allows you to contribute to the organization's mission in just a few clicks.